Sunday, December 16, 2007

New Creation = New Career Opportunity

Getting a chance to start over is what the New Creations program at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission is all about. That doesn't mean it is easy ... or quick. And starting over as a new spiritual being and leaving behind old behaviors and addictions is only the beginning.

Starting a new career to go along with your new creation is an important ingredient in the recipe for a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life. The first step is the most challenging. You have to believe it is possible.

If you have never dared to dream or have a vision of your future it may seem unattainable. If you have never experienced the luxury of looking beyond the next week, the next day, or even the next hour, thinking about one year, two years or more down the road may be unimaginable. Yet that is the first step - simply believing that God has a plan for you and a multitude of options to achieve His purpose for your life.

Give yourself the gift of throwing off the chains of your past and accepting that God has an incredible future in store for you.


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