Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What makes you tick?

Each of us has something that makes us unique. Bright red hair. Eyes as blue as Nordic waters. Seven feet tall. We also have innate talents that make us uniquely equipped for a specific purpose. Manual dexterity. Agility. Hand/eye coordination. When we connect those talents with the work they love, the pieces fit together like a masterpiece puzzle. The dentist is able to perform those intricate maneuvers in our tiny mouthes. The seven-footer deftly tightropes the baseline before a spinning shot to the hoop. That is a confident career choice!

Part of the career journey is discovery those talents and the work they complement. Not surprisingly, when we are doing what gives us joy it doesn't seem like "work". At the same time other areas of our lives improve as our overall well-being increases. It is easier to be kind, loving, patient and accepting when our neck isn't knotted and our head isn't aching.

OK. Now for some fun. I have added a link to one of my favorite sites. Monica Guzman is a columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper. Her column is Net Native and she has lots to say about fun places to get your daily requirement of caffeine and wi-fi. Check it out.

Share your thoughts on work and change. Let's talk.


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