Thursday, May 3, 2007

"I get by with a little help from my friends..."

We all need help from time to time, especially in times of change. I can't tell you how many times I have read Monica Guzman's blog or column and gotten great ideas and insight for my business and the people I serve. Lisa Wells is an example of a "friend of a friend" who has been invaluable in designing my web site, inspiring ways to reach people and general support in my venture.

Whether you are already in business or just starting one, or even if you are just starting the career change process a virtual assistant can help with all those tasks that you either dislike or don't know how to perform. Think of yourself as a highly paid athlete or movie star. Why spend your time doing anything that doesn't enhance your core talents? Let yourself focus on the job of getting a new career and let others handle the details.

Difficult as it may be to admit it, this is not all about me. Or you. Reach out for help, and then reach out to help others.

What better way to be confident in your career choices than by having a world class team on your side?

Have a comment or response? Just holler, "Put me in, Coach!"


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