Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Changing careers is all about taking care of those you love.

Is it OK to take care of others? Of course. Concern for others makes us more aware and appreciative of our own good fortunes. What about the other you? You may remember the "best friend you never knew" speech I told you about. Your future self is your best friend. Would you let your best friend languish in a job that drains their energy and life? Of course not. Well, if that best friend is your future self, what are you waiting for?

Your health, happiness and well-being are intimately connected to your work. In five years at a particular job I developed high blood pressure, bladder cancer and found myself becoming depressed with my situation. Medication addressed the symptoms but action addressed the causes. I went back to school to complete my degree, got additional training and established my coaching practice. The damage was done but further damage has been minimized by opening the doors to a world of fulfilling work. If you "just can't" give up your current position at least give yourself the gift of volunteering. Harness your untapped potential and energy giving something back to society. The life you save might be your own.

Update - My Palm Treo was turned in to the bus driver who took it to lost and found. Talk about relieved!!!! Lesson learned. From now on it goes in its holster where it belongs. Expect good things to happen and they will.

Any thoughts on this or anything else (career-wise)?


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