Friday, June 1, 2007

A friend is retiring next week. After 16 years in this organization he is calling it quits. Not because of age or because he has some can't miss opportunity. He is leaving because the door was slammed shut on any chance to advance and his current job has become so routine that he actually hates coming to work.

He was an educator before. When he describes the joy of being able to make decisions and impact daily activities, plot the course and have his input valued and accepted a big grin replaces the tears that well in his eyes talking about today.

I gave a coaching client the assignment to describe her ideal day. She has struggled with this exercise. After 31 years at the same organization, the only thing she knows about her ideal day is that it doesn't include coming to work. In planning her retirement activities her first vision is doing nothing.

She has become involved in a nutrition product company due to some health issues of her own. When she talks about sharing with others what these products have done for her, she becomes animated and excited. Her answers to each question I pose seem to end up involving this opportunity to share with others and impact their health and wellbeing.

Sound familiar? Fortunately they are doing something about the situation. Good for them, bad for the organizations, losing valuable employees because they are unable to apply their passions and talents in their work.

Marcus Buckingham, , researched strengths and how the focus on strengths by organizations and individuals is the single most reliable predictor of outstanding performance. What a shame for people to languish in a job, dreading their days, waiting for a date on a calendar when they can pursue their strengths.

Want to pursue your strengths? Ready to make some confident career choices that bring work and joy together? Share your story. Post a comment. Let's talk.


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